Agriculture, Nutrition, Lifestyle

Once your soil is rich in biology,

wealth in every sense is attainable.

Compost &  Soil Life Analysis
Nutrition & Wellness Coaching locally
Consulting for Farms, Gardens, Landscapes, and Community Spaces

Based in Wisconsin


Some of the Benefits of Soil Biology

  • Reduce Erosion and Build Soil Structure

    Soil becomes a sponge, absorbing and retaining water, reducing irrigation costs. Growing deeper roots and reverse erosion. Maintaining stable aerobic conditions for crops to reach full genetic potential.

  • Retain and Cycle Nutrients

    Plants can control the nutrient cycling happening in their root zones, accessing the minerals that are stored in organic matter and in the parent material. Plants get a constant flow of nutrients that they control.

  • Reduce Pests, Weeds, and Disease

    Natural farming practices create an environment for the soil food web to support plant health and protect plants from attacks by pests and disease. The beneficial organisms work for you by inhibiting, competing, and consuming harmful pests.

  • Increase Yield

    Roots are able to reach their full potential and plants are able to uptake all the nutrients they require. A robust diversity of soil food web organisms allows for the plant to grow stress free and increase yields.

  • Decontaminate the Environment

    Sequester heavy metals and pollutants. Break down agrochemical residues and toxins. Improve downstream water quality. Plants absorb carbon from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and they invest some of this into the soil (~40%), to feed microorganisms.

    Decontaminate the Environment
  • Decrease Costs

    Farmers no longer need to apply chemicals as ecosystem functions are restored. Reduced irrigation and plowing requirements also result in cost savings.

We are on the edge of something huge, yet microscopic. We have explored the outermost reaches of the planet, and yet there is a whole world waiting to be discovered inside our soils, waters, and our own bodies