make informed decisions about your soils, composts, and liquids
How It Works
• I look at what is alive in your sample under a microscope
• Provide Qualitative Analysis and Biomass Estimates
• Help you understand what the microbes & population density mean for your soil, plant, and/or livestock health
Using a compound microscope and bright field shadowing technique to magnify 40-400x. This allows me to identify single celled organisms and see the diversity of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes present in your sample.
Soil Life Assessment:
Receive 4-8 images highlighting the diversity of microbes in your samples with an estimated quantitative summary understanding of biomass and qualitative summary of what types of microorganisms are present.
Any concerns of certain microbes that indicate low oxygen environments in your sample will also be noted.
This type of assessment is a great way to get a quick understanding of the quality of your soil, compost, tea or extract. These images are also great for advertising, educating, and comparing improvements over time.
$50 Per Sample
Soil Life Assessment:
Base + Footage
In addition to the Base Assessment, receive 90 seconds of microscope footage highlighting the diversity of organisms present and see how they move.
This type of assessment helps the viewer comprehend soil biology by viewing living organisms are moving through your sample. You get a quick understanding of the health in your soil, compost, tea or extract, without the identification of organisms in the video. This media is also great for advertising, educating, and comparing improvements over time.
$70 Per Sample
Soil Life Assessment:
Base + Footage I.D.
In addition to the Base Assessment, receive 90 seconds of microscope footage with important organisms identified for further understanding of morphology (how things look).
This type of assessment helps the viewer comprehend soil biology by viewing the names of living organisms while they are moving.
This footage and analysis report provide an overview of the health in your soil, compost, tea or extract, with the identification of organisms in the video. This media is also great for advertising, educating, and comparing improvements over time.
$90 Per Sample
Example of Biological Assessment Footage
Schedule Your Next Assessment
Prior to shipping or dropping off samples feel free to reach out about any confusion or further questions .
View the Sampling Guide for more information about how to take a representative sample
When sending multiple samples print the Sample Submission Form and send it with the sample, or email the completed form to biologicallyrich@gmail.com
All analysis results will be provided within 10 business days.
When a sample is received it will go through analysis as soon as possible, within 48 hours. However compiling to the footage and results will be delivered anywhere from 2-10 days from delivery.
Prepayment is available otherwise an Invoice will be attached for payment
How to interpret and apply your results
Decompose ‘green material’
Produce alkaline glues and Nitrate (NO3)
When there’s high levels of bacteria and low levels of Fungi, weeds & early succession plants grow easily, perennials and later succession plants are difficult to grow.
Decompose ‘brown’ materials
Produce acidic glues and Ammonium (NH4)
When you have high levels of fungi present and low levels of bacteria, row crops and later in succession plants are easier to grow.
Consume bacteria and produce plant available Nitrogen & vital nutrients
Are categorized by what they eat:
Bacterial Feeding - Beneficial & present in aerobic (oxygen rich) soilFungal Feeding - Beneficial & present in aerobic (oxygen rich) soil
Omnivore/Predatory Feeding -Usually beneficial & present in aerobic (oxygen rich) soil. Can turn into a root feeder if conditions start to lack oxygen
Root Feeding - Detrimental and present in soil lacking oxygen